Instructor of Record
Concepts in Abstract Mathematics, MAT246, Fall 2024, University of Toronto.
Calculus and Linear Algebra for Commerce, MAT133Y1Y, Fall 2023- Spring 2024, University of Toronto.
Multivariable Calculus with Proofs, MAT237Y1Y, Fall 2023- Spring 2024, University of Toronto.
Group Representation Theory, Spring 2022, Stockholm University. (Student Evaluations, Final Exam.)
Linear Algebra, Spring 2021, Emory University. (Syllabus, Student Evaluations.)
Calculus II (Math 112), Spring 2020, Emory University. (Syllabus, Addendum to Syllabus, Final Exam*, Student Evaluations (End of term), Student Feedback (Mid term).)
Calculus II (Math 112), Fall 2019, Emory University. (Syllabus, Final Exam, Student Evaluations (End of Term), Student Feedback (Mid term).)
Calculus I (Math 111), Spring 2019, Emory University. (Syllabus, Final Exam)
Calculus I (Math 111), Fall 2018, Emory University. (Syllabus, Final Exam: Version A, Version B.)
Calculus II (Math 112), Spring 2018, Emory University. (Syllabus, Final Exam: Version A, Version B.)
Calculus I (Math 111), Fall 2017, Emory University. (Syllabus, Final Exam: Version A, Version B.)
Physics Instructor, National Outreach Program, July 2014, Lahore University of Management Sciences.
Teaching Assistant
Invited Course Assistant for Charlotte Chan's lecture series "Quadratic forms and the local global-principle" at the Arizona Winter Semester 2021: Virtual School in Number Theory; Spring 2021.
Emory College Online Teaching Strategies Co-Facilitator, Summer 2020. (Slides, Evaluations. See the Fellowships tab for more details.)
Calculus Tutor, Fall 2016- Spring 2017, Emory University.
Teaching Assistant & Grader, Linear Algebra (Math 221), Spring 2017, Emory University.
Grader, M411 Real Analysis, Fall 2016, Emory University.
Teaching Assistant and Grader, Linear Algebra with Differential Equations, Summer 2014, Lahore University of Management Sciences.
Teaching Assistant and Grader, Waves and Optics, Spring 2014, Lahore University of Management Sciences.
Teaching Assistant and Grader, Modern Physics, Spring 2013, Lahore University of Management Sciences.
Miscellaneous Notes and Links
Notes for L'Hopital's Rule and Indeterminate forms (Calc 1) and Alternating Series Convergence Theorem (Calc 2). Here is a worksheet for teaching Euler's method for approximating solutions to differential equations.
For my last class of the semester in Calculus 2, I do a closing presentation for the students that summarizes the "big ideas" of the semester. Here is a link to the Beamer slides from Fall 2019, and the (slightly more aesthetically pleasing) PowerPoint slideshow from Spring 2020.
I substitute taught a few sessions of Math 250 in 2018. Here are the lecture notes I wrote for myself before each of these sessions: Greatest Common Divisor, Prime Numbers and Unique Factorization, Modular Arithmetic.
Advice pages/blogs:
How to get a job in academia by Kimball Martin.
Emory Math Graduate Student Wiki by McKenzie West and other grad students before me.
Other useful math links:
LaTeX table generator (SO useful)
Seminars of Interest:
RANT (Research in Algebra and Number Theory - Emory Grad Student Seminar)